Our Curriculum Intent for Physical Education

At Cuddington, physical education and sport develops children into physically confident, skilful and healthy pupils. We provide a high quality, varied curriculum that develops children’s physical skills and knowledge of different sports over time. Our curriculum is specifically designed for the needs of our pupils and ensures children are physically active for sustained period of time. It exposes them to vocabulary associated with health, fitness and sports science.

Our PE curriculum supports pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sports and other physical activities inside school and in the local community. Teachers ensure that reasonable adjustments are made so that all children in school with SEND can access our high-quality curriculum offer. 

We aim to provide all children with opportunities to represent Cuddington in extra curriculum activities, promoting healthy competition and values such as teamwork and fairness.

Children will collaborate with their peers, developing them into respectful and resilient sports people who set themselves aspirational challenges.  We know that if children are exposed to a high quality physical education curriculum it will enable children to succeed and continue to have a physically active life.


Implementation - how will we deliver the Curriculum? 

The PE curriculum is taught through the PE hub scheme, which is in line with the National Curriculum expectations. This is used to give teaching staff the subject and skill knowledge to deliver lessons. Teachers are able to adjust and change the lessons to suit the needs of their classes but the scheme provideds a strong basis of what is expected. Each class has access to 2 hours of high quality PE lessons every week. These are either taught by the class teacher or HLTA's. Children are given the opportunity to practice skills in a variety of ways and each lesson builds upon the previous skills, allowing the children time to embed them. Different skills are recapped throughout and across the years, each time they are being built upon: allowing children to know more and remember more. Children in Key Stage 2, receive swimming lessons that provide them with the best opportunity to meet the swimming requirements where they learn, practice and apply the skills needed. 

We offer a wide range of sporting after school clubs run by teachers and outside agencies. A range of inter and intra events run throughout the school year, giving children the opportunities to take part in competitive sports. 

At Cuddington, we are very fortunate to be supported by Vale Royal School Sports Partnership where we receive support from expert physical education teachers from the nearby secondary school. This provides career professional development for teachers in school to observe how lessons should be structured and learning more about the sports through modelling, questioning and co-delivery of lessons.


PE information

All staff at Cuddington are committed to delivering high quality PE lessons. If your child does not have their kit, they will miss out on these lessons. 

Please ensure that your child has:

A white PE t-shirt
Navy PE shorts
A pair of trainers
Navy leggings or jogging bottoms may be worn for outdoor PE in colder months.
Health and Safety

Earrings must be taken out by the child. If the earrings cannot be removed, please provide school with plasters to cover them.
Long hair must be tied back.
Please encourage your child to bring their PE kit home frequently to be washed.


How Physical Edcation starts in the Early Years

PE in EYFS photo.PNG



At Cuddington we ensure that all children by the end of KS2 can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres. They will use a range of strokes effectively, for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke and perform a safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.

Swimming is funded by school as lessons are part of our curriculum but we do ask for a voluntary contribution towards transport costs.


For further information regarding PE, out of school sporting opportunities and competition, please contact Mrs Larbey


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