
Intent - What Do We Aspire For Our Children?

Our Curriculum Intent for Computing

At Cuddington, through our comprehensive computing curriculum, we are equipping children with the knowledge to become computational and creative thinkers who can confidently use information technology to create and improve digital programs and systems. Our cross-curricular approach encompasses six core strands that are taught from Reception to Year 6:
-    Programming 
-    Computational thinking 
-    Creativity 
-    Computer networks 
-    Communication/collaboration 
-    Productivity
Through the teaching of these core strands children will be exposed to key vocabulary that will enable them to clearly explain their understanding of computing. Children will also develop a detailed knowledge and understanding of e-safety through practical experiences. Studying these core stands will ensure children will leave Cuddington digitally literate, with an understanding of the principles of computer science whilst being able to confidently use information technology. 


Our Whole School Computing Road Map

Implementation - How Will We Deliver the Curriculum?

From Year 1 through to Year 6 children are taught computing in relation to one of the six core strands. We use the Rising Stars 'Switched on Computing' scheme as this ensures a progressivIn each unit of work, the teacher explicitly models the skills children need in order to complete the given task. Children are then provided with the means and opportunity to practise and refine these skills. By the end of each unit children will have learnt and developed the necessary skills showing a clear understanding of how these are used. Key vocabulary will be shared with the children and they will be expected to use and understand vocabulary relating to their unit of work. As children move through Key Stage 2 skills and knowledge gained in the younger years will be practised, consolidated and built upon. To gain a clear understanding of how our curriculum is progressive see the document titled ‘Progression of Skills and Knowledge’ below.

How do we provide for all learners?

Pupils enjoy learning about the many aspects of computing that we cover at Cuddington Primary School.  Many thrive is this subject, and where other lessons which require a level of reading, writing and recording skills can prove challenging, Computing can use a different set of skills which can support their style of learning.  Pupils are encouraged to work as independently as possible, but reasonable adjustments are made for those pupils with SEND where it is necessary. Teachers aim to make Computing accessible and enjoyable for pupils of all abilities by adapting planning; pre-teaching of vocabulary; live modelling during lessons; where appropriate reducing outcome expectations; providing scaffolding, individual or group support or give additional time to complete tasks.  Peer support in Computing, with paired and group work, can also enhance everyone’s learning, making Computing a lesson that everyone looks forward to each week. 

Impact - How Do We Know Our Computing Curriculum is Effective?

Pupil Voice

Pupil voice is used to gain an insight into how our children are developing their knowledge and understanding in computing as we believe children who have learnt and understood can arituclate their knowledge. Our curriculum is progressive and builds on previously learned skills enabling our children to make connections as they move through units and year groups. Pupil voice is also used to understand children's enjoyment of computing and has previously resulted in changes to the delivernace of the curriuculm with pupils preferring to be taught units in blocks as opposed to weekly. 

High Quality Outcomes

All computing units work towards our children creating an outcome to showcase their learning. The learning journey is documented through photographs which are then sequenced into a blog post that provides a clear overview of the small steps the children have completed, before creating their final outcome. 


For further information about the computing curriculum, please contact Miss Cowie:

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