Chaffinches Reception 2024 - 2025
Mrs Larbey
Mrs Cobb
Welcome to Reception's Class Page 2024-2025!
Spring 2
Welcome to Reception!
Our topic this term is Traditional Tales. We will be looking all sorts of different stories including Little Red, The Three Bears, The Three Little Pigs, The Gingerbread Man, Jack and the Beanstalk and many more!
We will also learn about featurs of castles, our capital city London and King Charles.
Our Rhymes this term are:
When Goldilocks went to the house of the bear
The goats came marching
We like magic
Phonics is the system we use to teach children to read and we do this using ELS (Essential Letters and Sounds). It teaches children the link between letters and the sounds they represent. Your child will be taught the most straightforward letters, and the sounds they make. For example, they will be taught that the letter ‘m’ represents an mmm sound and the letters ‘oa’ represent an oh sound. They will learn how sounds can be put together (blend) to make words. For example, they will learn that the sounds of the letters ‘m-a-t’ blend together to make the word ‘mat’. Your child will then learn more sounds and will start blending them too.
Please try and read with your child at home as much as possible as this really benefits with consolidating new taught sounds. Also reading to your child and talking about the pictures will really start to help your child develop a love for books! Reading books will be sent home once we have started our phonics scheme and will be linked to the learning that they have done during the week. They will then be changed every Friday.
Find the powerpoint from our reading and phonics meeting below.
In Reception it is important to make deep foundations with the numbers 0-10. The children use lots of practical resources in our Maths lessons in order for them to consolidate their learning and delve deeper. We use a 'Mastering Number' approach where by all children have the opportunity to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense. Children will become confident in the skill of subitising (knowing a number without having to count it) as well as counting, ordering , adding and subtracting.
Stay and play
Stay and Play is every Friday from 8.40 - 9.10 - Come and join us and share your child's learning and play with them.
Don't forget to keep up to date with what is going on via our class dojo story!
Please feel free to ask us any questions you might have or email. Mrs Larbey will teach the children Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and Mrs Cobb Thursday and Friday. Mrs Jennings is with our children everyday.
We hope you are as excited to start the new term as we are!
Mrs Larbey
P.E Lead & Reception Teacher
Mrs Cobb
RE & Music Lead
Reception Teacher
Files to Download
Chaffinches Reception: News items
School Term Dates, by Mrs Jones
Newsletter - 19th December 2024, by Mrs Jones