Skylarks Year 2 2024 - 2025
Mrs Hall
Welcome to Skylarks' class page.
Welcome back to the second half of our Spring term. I hope you have all had a restful break and are now ready for another busy few weeks of new learning.
Below you will find an outline of our learning for Spring Term 2
In Skylarks team this year we will have Mrs Hall plus Mrs Marsden, who will be working with us each Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning. Mrs Austin will also join us each Tuesday afternoon and Mrs Burrows will work with small groups of children during the week.
As we move through Year 2 we will continue to review all the phonics that we have learned previously, but now start to apply this knowledge to our spelling as well as our reading.
Please continue to read with your child daily for 5-10 minutes as this is essential in supporting their fluency, comprehension and love of reading. While reading with your child try to discuss the books too: what has happened so far, what they think may happen next, who are their favourite characters…
P.E will be taught twice a week, on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure that your child has the correct kit and trainers for these sessions. As it starts to get colder, it is advisable that the children bring jogging bottoms, a warm zip up hoodie / jumper for when we go outside for P.E. plus their usual blue shorts and white t-shirt for indoor lessons. P.E kits will be sent home each Friday to be washed and should be returned on the following Monday. Please ensure that all PE kits, and sweatshirts, are named so that they return to their rightful owners. Could you also ensure that children bring their water bottle, containing still water, to school each day.
Homework will be set on a Friday and will be due in the following Wednesday. This will be sent online and will be one piece of Maths and one piece of English per week.
Please continue to check our class Dojo account to keep up to date with our daily activities.
As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Mrs Hall
Skylarks class teacher
Phonics and Early Reading Lead
Eco lead
Files to Download
Skylarks Year 2: News items
School Term Dates, by Mrs Jones
Newsletter - 19th December 2024, by Mrs Jones