Barn Owls Year 3 2024 - 2025
Miss Hughes
Our Learning in Spring 1
A warm welcome to Barn Owls’ class page.
Happy new year!
I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and I am looking forward to starting our learning again in 2025.
We have many events to look forward to this Spring including lots of interesting learning and a visit to the World museum in Liverpool in Spring 2.
In year three we have Miss Hughes teaching everyday and Mrs Henderson supporting at various times both in class and through interventions.
On a Tuesday morning Barn Owls will practise some Reading, PE and Art with Mrs Austin and Mrs Marsden.
This term, P.E. lessons will take place on Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning.
Please ensure that your child brings in the correct P.E. kit and trainers every Monday morning. During the Autumn term it is advisable that the children bring a pair of plain navy joggers and a jacket for colder days as we will venture outside if able.
Please make sure that all P.E. clothing is labelled clearly, including PE bags, so lost items can be returned to their rightful owner.
Also, provide a water bottle and waterproof coat for your child daily.
On Mondays we will be doing Hockey - if you have some, it is advisable to have shin pads and a gum shield for our hockey lessons.
Reading, Spelling and Maths homework will be set each Friday and is due the following Wednesday.
In Key Stage Two it is still essential to read at home as much as possible. In Lower Key Stage Two we advise that children regularly read for 15 minutes to encourage a love for reading, continue to develop reading fluency and increase their vocabulary. Where possible we do encourage the children to develop an increased independence to fill out reading dairies themselves with the support of adults. In Key Stage Two asking questions about what the children have read is essential. The children should be encouraged to infer why and how they believe something has happened.
All homework will be confirmed on class dojo on a Friday
4 reads a week = 4 reading dojos
Spelling homework will link to our spelling learning for the week. The spelling list will be attatched to the dojo message.
Maths homework may include using Maths practically or TT Rockstars. By the end of year three the children should be fluent in their 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 6 times table.
Please support your child with completing their homework and handing it in on time.
The children will recieve a dojo point for each piece of homework completed.
To keep up to date with what is happening in our class, make sure you regularly check our class dojo page and Cuddington's Facebook account
you have any queries, please feel free to contact me using the email address below.
I look forward to continuing our learning in Autum term.
Kind Regards,
Miss S Hughes
History/Geography Lead
Year Three Teacher
Files to Download
Barn Owls Year 3: News items
School Term Dates, by Mrs Jones
Newsletter - 19th December 2024, by Mrs Jones
Newsletter - November 29th 2024, by Mrs Jones