Toucans - Year 6 2024 - 2025

Miss Cowie

Welcome to Toucans


Spring 2

Welcome to Toucan’s class and our class page.  I hope you have all had a lovely half term break and are looking foward to the new term.  This continues to be a busy term, but after the hard work everyone has put in since Christmas, it should be a positive one.  We have lots of lovely plans as we head towards Spring, including a visit to The Walker Art Gallery and World Museums in Liverpool.  Here is an overview of what we will be focusing on this half term:

Y6 Spring 2 2025.jpg

Please ensure that your child brings in the correct P.E. kit and trainers every Monday morning and that it stays in school for the week. I would always advise that children bring warm tracksuit joggers, a zip-up hoodie or jumper (rather than wearing their school jumper), and possibly a warm hat for when we venture outside on cold days. Please make sure that your child has the correct school P.E. kit and that it is labelled clearly, so lost items can be returned to their rightful owner. Please also provide a water bottle and waterproof coat for your child every day as we never know what the weather might do!

Toucans will be taught by Mrs Austin on a Friday with additional support from Mrs Marsden on a Thursday morning.  We will also have the pleasure of Miss Gifford teaching a range of lessons across the week until Easter.

Homework will be a rolling set of revison activities between now and the SATs. This may be online homework for your child to complete via learning platforms or paper based written work in the revision guides. I will message parents each Friday so that you are clear on what the expectations are for that week.  Please support your child with completing their homework, marking it with you and being ready to discuss any challening areas in school where necessary.  Working steadily and regularly supports their learning and prepares them for what is to come at high school. 

Daily reading is essential for all children and in Upper KS2 and we advise that you read for 15-20 minutes per day with your child, no matter their proficiency level. Whilst listening to your child, try to ask them questions about events that have happened so far, characters thoughts and motives and to make accurate predictions and inferences based on the text as well as the meanings of words within it.

Should you have any further queries, please feel free to contact me using the email address below.

Kind Regards,

Miss Cowie
Toucans Class Teacher
Science and Computing Lead 


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