Tessellation Art in ICT
Date: 16th Feb 2019 @ 12:15pm
This term puffins have been learning how to create pieces of art work using different computer software tools.
Initially, the children used Powerpoint on the computers and learnt how to utilse the controls CTRL + C (copy) and CTRL + V (paste) shapes from the INSERT ribbon command at the top of the page.
Following, the children used the shodor.org tool online to create their own tesselation art pieces. The children decided on the shapes that they wanted to use and then manipulated these to create their own. They then changed the colour of the shapes and then created their art work.
Chloe M and Minnie
Heidi and Isabelle
Ethan and Jack
After this, the children learnt how to create 2D shapes using scratch by programming the coding blocks to programme their sprite.