Hats Are Us!
Date: 22nd Feb 2019 @ 11:36am
Who would have thought that the adventures of Alice in Wonderland would inspire such creativity. It all started with the Mad Hatter, who of course, is known for his top hats!
Exploring and modelling different hats was great fun, but which one would be suitable for the Mad Hatter ?
What size shall we make the hats? Does the tallest person have the largest head, or the shortest person have the smallest head?
The all important element of design. What will the hat look like?
Choosing colours and creating different textures and effects was great fun.
On to the tricky bit. Making the hat with a little help from a friend.
The Grand Finale, a fashion shoot !
Please come and visit The Mad Hatter's Emporium on display outside our classroom to see more of the incredible work and the journey through our design technology project.