Welcome to Team Cuddington
I am incredibly proud to be the Head Teacher of 'Team Cuddington.' We pride ourselves on working closely together to provide positive learning experiences for our children, informative and celebratory experiences for our parents and the best possible working environment for our school staff. I am also incredibly proud to be a Head Teacher in Create Learning Trust, where our schools work together, support each other and place children at the heart of our decision making.
Our Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is Mrs Susan Walters and our Trust's website details are; www.createlearning.co.uk.
For media enquiries, please contact Ben Peck - 07713517393
No child is left behind at Cuddington Primary where their emotional, social and academic progress are the key drivers to success. Happy children and happy staff will secure a positive environment to respect, collaborate and aspire in. At Cuddington, we can dream to be whatever we want to be whilst supporting resilience, independence and perseverance.
Mrs Beth Hacking, Head Teacher
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